Monday, 7 July 2014

MSP430 - The Launch Pad And The Arduino


MSP430 is something similar to Arduino. I look at that in the same way I look at Arduino with some disadvantages and advantages.

Arduino is 5V operated, it also has 3.3V versions. But comparatively MSP430 MCUs that operate at 3.3V consumes less power.

Programming MSP430s using the launchpad have become easier due to the Energia IDE which is similar to Arduino IDE and supports most of the libraries built for Arduino IDE.

For more information on MSP430s and the launchpad take a look at


What is Arduino?

It's an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board which you can program by using the software provided by Arduino manufacturer by connecting it to your computer using USB cable.

Why Arduino and Why not any other microcontroller that are available?
Arduino is simple to use, flexible and we have so much of resources available to get the complete output of the microcontroller.

For More Information Regarding Arduino, Visit its official Website: 

About the Blog and Author

Hello Everyone, I Jayakarthigeyan Prabakar, author of this blog, an Application Engineer by profession and an Electronics hobbyist since 2012, have created this blog to share the knowledge that I have about Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Arduino, MSP430, Beaglebone Black and Python. I will start posting some basic concepts of Electrical and Electronics followed by how to use them with Arduino, MSP430 and Beaglebone Black to build embedded systems that you desire. I will be posting articles about the details of schematics, source code for the projects that I have done using the development boards that I have mentioned earlier. Few of my projects can be seen in my YouTube channels at , .
So stay tuned to the blog for the upcoming posts. And I am freelancer too, so if you guys need any help in projects using Arduino, MSP430 or Beaglebone Black, you can hire me. Send me an email at to contact me.